Educators - Other Professionals - Mentors
A Message to Educators, Professionals, and Mentors:
Working with learners with challenges today requires an unusual approach that focuses on each learner’s own capacity to take advantage of the opportunities available to them in a world of change, uncertainty, and ambiguity. Taking Charge® is more than a strategy and more than a training program. It is a practical, commonsense language-based approach that works! And Taking Charge® enhances rather than replaces your existing knowledge, professional training, and experience. Based on decades of experience with children, youth, and adults in and out of the classroom, Taking Charge® empowers us to examine our assumptions, expand our choices, and take effective action as Linguistic Coaches. The Taking Charge® approach empowers all learners to beat the odds and break the cycle of burn-out, hopelessness, and despair. Taking Charge® is designed to be completed in a variety of formats: self-study; group-study with a Linguistic Coach; university course taken for graduate-level credit and led by a Linguistic Coach; seminar; workshop; or individual or group consultation with a Linguistic Coach.
The Taking Charge® programs are also offered as seminars, workshops, or as a
Linguistic Coaching® model on an individual or group consultative basis.
For more information or to request consultation services, click here.